Day 6: bossing people around

Today I finally added a victory condition to the game! There’s a MacGuffin you need to find and retrieve called the Orb of MacGuffin. But taking the orb will wake up a powerful boss! The boss will chase you through the dungeon, and if you escape safely with the orb, you win. The boss is randomly selected each time you play, so your tactics may need to vary…

I also reduced the cost of training and runes (but you don’t start with any gold or XP anymore), added visible effects to show the area of effect of spells, reduced the size of dungeons (they were so big it was slowing down the game and requiring a lot of pointless movement, not to mention it was hard to read the map on a lower resolution screen because the tiles were so small). And of course fixed a handful of bugs!

The game can be played as always at

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