Day 3: spellcrafting
Today I finally added the main feature of the game - spellcrafting! When you start the game, you are now presented with a choice of character to play as. This determines your starting runes (which in turn provide your spells), and also your stats. Then you’re taken to the spellcrafting screen. You can leave your default spells as is, or create new ones using the runes at your disposal. (The Magus has the most options, if you want to play around, but he’s got the lowest strength, while the Vis has no options to speak of, but the highest strength, if you just want to punch things for some reason. The other four characters have two runes apiece, so you can enhance them with each other, or not.)
I still don’t have the game up and running on itch yet, so once again you can play at - enjoy!
Spellslinger of Xandabar
7DRL 2025 - a roguelike about spellcasting
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