Day 7 progress: COMPLETE!

I’m releasing the game today! 😁

I was able to add the manual and the endgame scenario; the game’s pretty hard and I’m not too good at roguelikes so I had to cheat to test that scenario, but maybe some intrepid adventurer can win! 😉

A few other things I tweaked:

  • Reduced the number of monsters. I never did get around to making monsters respawn in the endgame, so if you can manage to kill them all early on, you’ll have a much easier time getting out of the dungeon…
  • Monsters that can’t see you will now wander about randomly, rather than sitting still. They were getting stuck in trees, oops…
  • You can no longer see fogged monsters on the map. If they go out of your sight range, they will now be hidden.
  • Melee attacks (both yours and those of monsters) will restore a small amount of mana. Oops, I forgot to mention that in the manual…
  • Because of the new plenitude of mana, spell costs were increased.
  • Slowed down the log message scrolling to make the log more readable. It does kind of get in the way, though…
  • To counter this, the log messages fade faster now, to avoid consuming too much of the screen with the log.
  • Added some cool text animations for when the game ends, either in victory or defeat!
  • Rearranged the HP/MP bars so they don’t overlap the corner of the map anymore.
  • Fixed a crash when climbing stairs. (Good thing I tested that at the last minute!)

Anyway… enjoy the game!!! 😁

Files 145 kB
Mar 13, 2021

Get Found Magic

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